Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Perfect Stranger
Untuk kedua kalinya gw tidur siang kaya orang mati. Waktu bangun gw sempet meracau kalo itu pagi. Sampai sekarang masih bikin pusing O.o Terkadang suka takut juga kalo ga bangun lagi >>_<<
Mimpinya juga aneh. Mimpi soal sesuatu yang udah berakhir di tahun 2005 n sempet bikin gw stress berbulan-bulan. Hmm...sesuatu yang mengisi curhatan temen kuliah gw di akhir tahun 2005. Gw mimpi soal class diagram, nungguin laporan dari 'staff2' gw. Mimpi ada yang naro laporan di pintu depan kost gw. Gw masih inget setiap detail mimpi itu. Aneh... The most weird thing was that stranger. I knew why i keep thinking of you. I owe you an apology.
Ketika kita masih kecil, pasti orang tua kita bilang "Jangan mau diajak ngomong sama orang asing ya. Kalo dikasi apa2, jangan diterima." Itu yang akan gw katakan ke anak gw juga si, "Don't talk to stranger."
But, my life is filled by falling in love with a perfect stranger. A man who knows everything about me, but i don't know a thing about him. We're doing more than talk. I'll tell a story.
I always go by train everyday. When i wait for the train, a stranger sat next to me. He just smiled at me. I could still remember his voice, his smell, n his way to smile. It had been a year since this strange guy always sat next to me everyday. Everyday was always the same. I sat first, and then he sat next to me and smiling. I didn't remember who started conversation. I didn't realize that I always talked about me. He was a really nice guy. Suddenly, that selfish thought walked through my head. I'm addicted being next to him. I thought he felt the same too. "Take me with you.." he smiled on me when i said that. And he went away. "Tomorrow i'll be here again!!" i yelled.
Something happened in next rainy morning. I sat on my chair (actually not mine) on that peron. I waited my perfect stranger. I waited his smile, which always start my day with joy. Oh...for the first time I saw him first. But, he didn't on my peron. He was on the other peron and sitting next to someone else. I shouted at him, ran through him. When i got there, he vanished.
Maybe that story is just a rough analogy. Why he went away?? He could say that he can't bare my big mouth anymore. He's such a mistery for me. And i couldn't stop thinking about him.
Could we sitting together again and smiling together on our future days??
Pas lagi iseng2 ke blognya temen gw ini, bannernya ada tulisan 'Will the sun rise tomorrow? Will it light up my sky?' Pertanyaan yang sama yang setiap hari gw tanyakan ketika orang asing itu menghilang.